Lead Billets for Fork Lift Truck Batteries, Lead Shielding for X-ray Machine.

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Lead billets from NucleadLast week Nuclead shipped several items including lead billets that will be used to manufacture batteries for folk lift trucks.

Powered industrial trucks are used in many industries for a variety of applications. Due to increasing technological advancements, battery powered industrial trucks are becoming more and more prevalent. With longer run times, shorter recharging times and reduced emissions, this type of truck is going to become even more popular. Currently, there are numerous styles of battery operated trucks that range from small, motorized pallet trucks to much larger high lift trucks. No matter what kind of truck you have, there are similar hazards associated with their batteries and their maintenance.

There are two styles of batteries in industrial trucks today: Lead acid or nickel-iron. Both of these batteries can pose health and safety hazards.

  • Sheer weight—some batteries weigh as much as 2000 lbs. or more
  • Gases emitted during charging can be highly volatile
  • Corrosive chemicals exist within the battery

Additional safety features include fusible links to reduce fire and other hazards, the lead billets that were shipped from Nuclead’s in house inventory will be used to fabricate these fusible links on batteries on fork lift trucks. The lead billets were sold to a distributor in Worcester, MA

Also this week Nuclead fabricated and shipped lead shielding to a veterinary clinic in Tinton Falls, NJ, for use in their X-ray room.

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